Monday, May 17, 2010

TAARUF WEEK 2010/2011

Hurm.. today is my second day at cfs as second year student..
waa.. i am already old.. i dont want to be a second year, but since i want to grad, i have to.. hurm.. taaruf.. sounds nice.. but, i am very disappointed coz, my things already been stolen even though i juz arrived. huh.. what the nonsense..
hurm.. i was being placed in rdw- residential, discipline and welfare.. am i a discipline one?? ah, i dont think so.. i am a very terrible person in da wold.. huhuhu... however, i am very praised caz ada and i in the same bureau..
hurm.. so far so good.. not tired yer since specfic job does not distribute yet..
hope dat i can enjoy this program.. ala, juz for a week... not too long, like baksis.. huhuhu..
i miss baksis so much.. in this program, there are baksis members too.. i am happy!!