Thursday, November 5, 2009

Am I do the right decision??

Whats wrong with me??
I cant explain whats wrong with me..
I feel so tension for a few days..
What should i do??
From a naked eye, i seem like have no problem at all..
But, deep in my heart, i am very depressed..
With all my rensposiblities..
i admit that i am regret because volunteering to be a busy person..
Should i resign??
i really2 confuse..
This sem , i've take 3 core course, which is very tough
It will effect to my study if i remain in the society.
I don't want the same thing as i am in form 4 happen to me again..
I think it is enough to active in a society, which can help my study..
What i mean, society that is informal..
That is enjoyable..
That can release my tension..
I don't want being active in society is the reason why i cant achieve the pointer that i want..
Reason why i cant achieve my goal..
i don't want..
I love them all, eventought
sometime i feel like to eat them..
I hope Ive made the right decision!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

EtnOboTani~~ thE pLAce wheRe I lEarnt mANy thIngs

11.00 a.m
Bas begerak perlahan2 keluar dari Kuala Terengganu, Menuju ke Gua Musang, satu daerah yang agk terpencil di negeri Kelantan.. Membawa wira wirawti negara untuk menjalani Program Laihan Khidmat Negara..

Aku merasa sangat excited untuk menjalani program ini.. Bagiku, program ini sangat bermakna dan bermanfaat bagi mengisi masa lapangku setelah aku menduduki peperiksaan SPM.. Program ini juga dapat membantu aku menghilangkan stress dan tekanan aku sepanjang aku belajar dan struggle untuk peperiksaan.. Aku yakin bahawa aku tergolong dalam kalangan orang2 yang terpilih untuk mengikuti PLKN ini.. Aku menjalani latihan ini selama 3 bulan (secara kasar), bersama2 kawan2 lain yang sebaya denganku.. Di sana, aku mengenali ramai teman yang baru, yang datang dari seluruh pantai timur (Terengganu, Kelantan & Pahang), lelaki dan perempuan..

Secara tidak langsung, ak telah menambah ramai kenalan.. Aku bersyukur kerana aku dapat mengenali mereka.. Sepanjang aku menjalani latihan tersebut, aku berkongsi suka dan duka bersama teman2ku.. Even mereka bukanlah ahli bilikku, atau ahli kompeniku, aku tetap gembira mengenali mereka..

Aku telah belajar banyak perkara di sana..
Aku telah mengikuti kelas2 yang bermanfaat seperti kelas Character Building (CB), Kelas Kenegaraan, dan sebagainya.. Aku telah diajar untuk menjadi seorang yang lbih berani dan boleh melakukan apa2 aktiviti yang extreme, mencabar, lasak dan berbahaya.. Memang tak dapat dinafikan pada mulanya aku agak gentar dan cuak untuk melakukan aktiviti2 sebegitu, kerana aku tidak pernah melakukannya sepanjang persekolahan aku..

10.00 a.m

Bas perlahan menyusur keluar dari pagar KEM LATIHAN ETNOBOTANI, GUA MUSANG..
Membawa pulang kami, wira wirawati negara yang telah tamat menjalani PLKN menuju ke negeri masing2.. Aku pulang dengan perasaan sayu dan sedih untuk berpisah dengan mereka semua.. Air mata bergelinang di birai mataku..
Namun, aku tidak mampu untuk mengahalang mutiara2 yang tidak berdosa itu tumpah ke bumi.. Aku berpisah dengan mereka semua dengan rasa yang sangat sedh, sehinggakan aku tidak mampu untuk berkata2.. Aku sedih, kerana aku pasti, setelah tamatnya program ini, aku sukar untuk berjumpa dengan mereka semua.. Kerana pasti mereka termasuk aaku akan menyambung pelajaran.. Kami akan membawa diri mengikut haluan masing2.. Demi masa depan kami..

Terima kasih kepada teman2, sahabat2 dan rakan2 seperjuanganku, yang telah mengajr aku sepanjang kita bersama di kem latihan..
I will love you all forever and ever,, Eventhought we cannot see each other, bur all off you will be kept in my HEART, DEEP IN MY HEART!!! Thanx to IKA,CKIN,ZIDAN,RUBEN,PAAH,YIN,NEE,TAY,ECAH,ARM,FASHA,KAK AZIE,AMIR,HATIN,HATIM,SUZY,JAHA,APIH,EJAT,ISMI,EPA,TIHAH,JIE, dan mereka2 yang lain kerana sudi menjadi sahabatku di PLKN.. Kenangan kita adalah kenangan terindah yang tercipta..

28 SepTemBer 2009

Ting Tong! Ting Tong! it was 12 o'clock, that mean today is 28 september 2009>> Syeda's birthday!! I always remember her birthday.. But, I can't celebrate and wish to her rite now because i have a suprise and tomorrow we have a very important exam~ MATH 1.. huhuh.. So, I plan to make a simple party for her at SMAWP 3034.. To NUR SYAHIDA ZAINAL ABIDIN, I love u so much..
Happy birthday my dear.. U are my HOTTEST ROOMATE for this year and forever.. Also, thanx to abg akiem,abg kama, an]bg hadi, badrul, ika, sarah and kak jaja 4 helping me to make syeda happy on her birthday.. thanx u all!!

MY nOTty nEighb0uR

These are my neighbour at cfsiium for my first year.. They are very notty.. hahahaha...
But, they are kind and nice to me..
We always make jokes togather..
Za8,Farah, and Nadrah..
But, now, nadrah had transfer to maktab perguruan at somewhere else..
Now, my notty neighbour just two of them, farah and za8.. Both of them are cute and pretty girls..
They also love to smile.. Eventhought they are my notty neighbour, they also are my sweet neighbour..

mom's and dad's LOVES

It comes again and again..
Without the examination, we can't measure our ability, our level, and our understanding..
As a student, there is no ending with examination..
Examinatios are meals for those who called as a STUDENT..
That is a fact..

Our parents always pray for our sueccessful..
They always hope for our successfull..
Especially our mom.. She had brought us in her womb for 9 months and 10 days..
Our dad also work hard, all day and night.. Find money for us
in order to give the best life for us to live
in order to give education for us to be a good person..

But, the question is, 'WHY CANT US DO THE BEST IN THE EXAM??'

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hari2 Terakhir seorang Atuk

atuk (84 tahun) and 1/3 dari familyku di rumah atuk

Pagi 2 Syawal, kami berkumpul di rumahku, untuk konvoi bersama2 ke rumah saudara mara.. Sepatutnya kami telah berkonvoi masa raya perama lagi, teapi, memandangkan terdapat beberapa kekangan yang tak dapat nak dielakkan, jadi kami bergerak pada raya kedua..
Rumah pertama yang menjadi tumpuan kami ialah rumah datuk
Rumah datuk kami terletak di Kampung Ladang, Kuala Terengganu, bersebelahan dengan Grand Continental Hotel..
Aku agak berat hati untuk mengikut family ke rumah saudara mara memandangkan aku akan menduduki xm final pada raya ke 5.. Kepala aku just fikir study,study,study and study..

Tetapi, when my mom cakap, "jom la ikut pergi umah atuk, next year blom pasti dapat jumpa atuk lagi.. Hmm??", aku terus membuat keputusan ueuk ikut, juz for my beloved and the only grandpa..

My BelOved roOmate>>>> SYEDA

This is my roomate..
She is a girl..
She is 18..
She is my only roomate..
She is an ICT's student..
She have a brother and two younger brother..
Her brother>> Abang Akiem, study at the same place with us, CFSIIUM
Her younger brother>> Hadi, study at maahad at Kelantan and Mustaqim, study at primary school around their house..
And, she is the only girl in her family..
Her father is working with a huge oil company, PETRONAS.. at the main company, at KLCC..
Her mom is a teacher at secondary school..
I am glad to be her roomate..
She is my roomaye forever, eventhought we are different courses..


In the morning of 1 Syawal, everybody wear new clothes, either young or old..
This is family picture..Beautiful right, hahahaha..
But, I am a little sad..
Not all my siblings came back for this year..
Actually their turn for this year, but as a solehah wife, they just follow their husnband..
Huhuhuhu... Eventhought they not celebrate first raya with us, at least for second day,they come back.. I feel very happy..
when all my siblings come back, my house turn into kindergarten..
Hahaha.. All my 34 nephew and nieces were there.. And i become a baby sitter, coz there was 2 newborn babies.. Aand suprisingly, i will have one more..